with radio frequency

Morpheus 8

As we age, everything from the texture to the tightness of our skin changes. Bring back the natural, youthful appearance of your face, neck, and body.

Morpheus 8

Morpheus 8 is a device that is designed to combine micro-needling and radiofrequency to achieve deep fractional remodeling. The Morpheus 8 doesn’t just address superficial tissue; it directs energy toward the adipose fat that is notorious for creating jowls, bra rolls, and more.

Using Radio Frequency (heat) and microneedles, Morpheus8 helps to boost and restore collagen plus tighten skin.  You will notice a dramatic lifting effect to the areas you have treated along with improved skin texture.

This innovative, FDA-approved treatment targets the deep layers of the skin to reduce wrinkles, build collagen, and eliminate unwanted fat. At the same time, beneficial heat from the RF energy tightens your skin. Because the RF energy goes so deep, you’ll experience faster, more remarkable results with little downtime.

What can morpheus 8 improve?

There are many benefits from the Morpheus8 treatment. Achieving more contracted and healthy skin makes Morpheus8 one of the most popular treatments in aesthetics today. Patients also notice the following improvements:

  • Deep lines and creases
  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Skin laxity (sagging or jowls)
  • Irregular skin tone & texture
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks
  • Vertical lines on chest


Is there downtime with morpheus 8?

Expect to be red and swollen immediately after the treatment, but that typically subsides by the next day. These side effects are mild and they diminish quickly.  Patients can typically apply makeup the next day as well.


is the treatment painful?

We do our best to make every treatment comfortable. Microneedling with radiofrequency may feel slightly uncomfortable in certain areas. However, our use of topical numbing cream makes treatment much more pleasant than many patients expect.



11 + 11 =

Our Address

7255 Old Oak Boulevard, Suite C112
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130


Phone: 440-816-5517
Fax: 833-906-2555
Email: [email protected]